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Told Story Telling to Children, Here is Volunteers’ Impression

Told Story Telling to Children, Here is Volunteers’ Impression (7 /7/ 2017) | Story Telling initiated by Cirebon Power succeeded in inspiring students at SDN 1 Mundu Pesisir, Cirebon Regency. The success was at least due in part to the contribution of creative volunteers in the field.

This time there were five volunteers who were eager to deliver story-telling to the children. They were Deviea Ajeng Rohima, Diah Apriani, Endang Widiastuti, Siti Khaerunnisa and Yulianti Nufus Baroroh. They were students from IAIN Sheikh Nurjati Cirebon who have been selected and received training.

“To be honest, I didn’t understand story telling before. But after learning it turned out to be more interesting, because it was different from other teaching methods. Children also quickly grasped the material and enjoyed learning with us,” said one of the volunteers, Siti Khaerunnisa, Semester VI Student of the Department Early Childhood Islamic Education IAIN Sheikh Nurjati.

Story telling made the teacher explore objects that are around him as material for storytelling. Before going to school, Nisa-her nickname-must first understood the story to be told.

“The stories are more about technological inventions and innovations. This is good, children are motivated to create new innovations for their environment,” said the bespectacled woman.

The same went for another volunteer, Deviea Ajeng Rohima. He was motivated to join this program because he wanted to have new experiences.

From the short story book, not only children got new knowledge. “So indeed with the book, it gives more understanding to children that every object that is around them, there are people who find it,” he said.

Story telling is believed to be one of the effective ways to develop children’s imagination in understanding things. That is was why the President Director of Cirebon Power, Heru Dewanto, who is also the Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) in collaboration with the ASEAN Academy of Engineering and Technology (AAET) compiled a short story book on technological discovery and innovation.

The book was then used as story telling module material to foster a spirit of innovation and creativity for elementary school children. In collaboration with the Cinta Anak Bangsa Foundation, Cirebon Power appointed several volunteers from college students. The program ran in five elementary schools, especially for students in grades 4, 5 and 6.


Cirebon Power