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Coal-fired power plant technology has evolved dramatically over the past decade. From the old subcritical technologies, to the more advanced tclean coal echnology known as HELE (High Efficiency Low Emission), which includes:

Source Power Plant Data Source UDI Database, June 2012
Note: Circle Size Represents Installed Capacity (MW)


For emerging economies, coal provide a safe, reliable and affordable source of energy. In fact, coal is projected to play a critical role in achieving the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) forecasts that the share of coal in power generation in Southeast Asia will rise from 32% to 50%

Given that coal will remain the most affordable option to meet increasing power demand, combined with the efficiency rate and low emission numbers of the new technology, countries will look to the HELE coal technologies as part of their emissions reductions plan.



The graphic highlights that coal costs less than other technologies in Southeast Asia, at least for now. The cost for HELE technologies ranges from 55-60 cents/MWh, Some renewable sources may be cheaper than coal, but not until 2035.

Lifetime Cost of Electricity in South East Asia Per MWH (2015 vs. 2035)
Cirebon Power