RadarCirebon.com (17/3/2018) | Cirebon Power provided capital loan assistance to residents around the power plant site. The loan will later be given to those who meet certain criteria.
President Director of Cirebon Power, Heru Dewanto explained, Cirebon Power presence not only producing electricity, but also had to be able to provide benefits to the surrounding community. “That is a commitment that has long been implemented,” said Heru.
Cirebon Power has carried out a number of activities which benefit the community immediately. These activities include health, education, economic and environmental empowerment issues.
The existence of capital lending assistance was also, one of which is to encourage the welfare of the surrounding communities. “We don’t want to immediately give the fish. We give something that can certainly be sustainable, like capital loan, “said Heru.
To help with this capital loan, Cirebon Power cooperated with Mitra Dhuafa Cooperative (Komida). Komida was chosen because she was considered experienced and had done the same thing in a number of regions.
In addition, Komida also has a system that will be used in this capital loan assistance. Cirebon Power will not be directly involved in the capital management process, but will only help in financing it.
“For the technical implementation, we submit it fully,” said the Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Engineers Association.
Komida Managing Director, Selamet Riyadi added, for initial loans the community could apply up to Rp 2 million. This amount can increase, if the community can ensure that the business runs well.
“It can be up to Rp 30 million. Depending on how the business develops, “Selamet said.
Later, the capital will be paid in installments for a year. Borrowers, will pay it back every week. Selamet also ensured that the interest to be applied to borrowers through the Cirebon Power program was lower than the others.