RadarCirebon.com (9/6/2018) | Cirebon Power provided an ambulance assistance for Mundu Pesisir and Bandengan villages. This assistance was the third time given to villages around the Cirebon Steam Power Plant (PLTU) Cirebon.
“Previously we gave two ambulances to Kanci Kulon and Kanci Villages. After that, Citemu and Waruduwur Villages,” said Cirebon Power Director Teguh Haryono at the Bandengan Village Fishermen Aspirations House, Friday (8/6).
Teguh said that the ambulance assistance was part of the Cirebon Power Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program. The focus of CSR programs are health, education, economics and infrastructure.
With this ambulance assistance, Teguh hoped to help the community’s needs, especially related to transportation to health facilities. He also asked the two villages that received this assistance to be able to manage and care for this ambulance well “So it is not only used, but also managed well,” he said.
The village head who received the ambulance, thanked Cirebon Power for the assistance provided. The two villages will coordinate with each other, to be able to use the ambulance together.
“We will regulate its use later. If there is someone who needs it, we will just have to coordinate,” said Kuwu Mundu Coastal, Maria.
He appreciated this assistance, because it could provide benefits to the community, especially those who needed transportation to the hospital. A similar sentiment was also conveyed by Kuwu Bandengan, Moh Sofyan.
According to Sofyan, so far the community has relied on standby cars managed by the village. With this ambulance, it will certainly make it easier for the community.
Not only transportation to health services, but also for death services and others. “We will make the best use of it for the community’s needs. Certainly we will also take care,” Sofyan said.