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Cirebon Power Presents Open Green Park to Eastern Region of Cirebon

Cirebon Power Presents Open Green Park to Eastern Region of Cirebon (27/8/2019) | Taman Cirebon, one of the green open parks in the eastern region of Cirebon District, is an offering of a Cirebon Power community program to present healthy and smart public spaces.

This park is located on the edge of the Cirebon Pantura route to central Java, or right on the 200 meter east side of the first Cirebon Power plant, Astanajapura District, Cirebon Regency.

The Cirebon Park is the result of collaboration and is fully supported by KOMIPO (Korea Midland Power), who also donated to build a number of public facilities such as sports facilities, a library on this 7-hectare land, and a community activity center.

This was evidenced by the signing of a memorandum of understanding or Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Tuesday (27/8), by cooperating with BUMDes Sejahtera Kita Bersama, Kanci Kulon Village, and the “Gelemaca” Community Literacy Movement.

According to Deputy Director of Cirebon Power, Joseph Pangalila, the Cirebon Park was built because there is no green open space in Cirebon District. For this reason, the Cirebon Park was built which is located on the main lane that is often passed by vehicles across the city and province.

Moreover, he continued, with the addition of facilities such as libraries, sports facilities, and community activity centers, the craft of MSMEs, it can be used as an activity for the surrounding community and who pass by. In addition, reforestation will also be held by planting various kinds of trees.

“We make it a place of recreation and sports for families and surrounding communities, for the first stage we build on 1.5 hectares of land with a total area of ​​land owned by 7 hectares,” said Joseph Pangalila.

Meanwhile, Komipo’s Executive Vice President, Kim Hobin, in general, this program is part of a communication and awareness strategy, to build and develop the progress of the community around the site. “We are helping the community to be more advanced, with this facility, hopefully it can become an educational suggestion and improve reading culture,” he explained.

In this program, said Kim Hobin Komipo poured funds of USD 120 thousand, which will be used for the development of libraries, sports facilities, community development, and others.

“The presence of Taman Cirebon and various facilities for these residents will later be able to support the spirit of learning and the desire to work for residents around the plant,” he concluded.


Cirebon Power